Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Flower Cultivation and Marketing in Bangladesh Essays

Flower Cultivation and Marketing in Bangladesh Essays Flower Cultivation and Marketing in Bangladesh Paper Flower Cultivation and Marketing in Bangladesh Paper Executive Summary: Bangladesh Is one of the largest flower growing countries In south-East Salsa where great varlets of the same are produced In abundance. The scope, land, parent stocks, labor and other natural resources available have contributed towards making Bangladesh an exporter with great opportunities. There is no well planned and highly decorated flower cultivation and marketing industry which possesses its own brand and good will. It is now an opportunity for prospective entrepreneurs to invest in this sector. So we have selected the project Flower Cultivation and Marketing with planned and decorated way including Cabana. The projects main office Is in the showroom in Diamonds, Dacha and has a cultivation area in Savor, Dacha with easy transport facilities. Marking area Is mainly Dacha city Like Diamonds, Shabby, octagon, Goulash and other retail and whole sale shops outside Dacha. The present status and future potentials of the follicular Industry has given the project to export quality flowers In the International market. Our business idea includes offers which are unique and different from customary way in terms of customer satisfaction. Its target customers are young generations with middle class, upper middle and upper class. The short term and long term goals and objectives of the project are building and maintaining strong brand image by expanding application of flowers and delivering superior customer satisfaction. The project Is profitable and both technically and financially viable. As people are encouraged for flower cultivation and marketing the demand for flowers Is Increasing. So, flower cultivation project will face no problem In respect of marketing. From the very beginning year, 2009 our target is to reach in the leading position of the market by offering high quality, service, value and satisfaction within three or our years. To gain competitive advantages, the projects design market offers effectively and efficiently that deliver/more value and satisfaction to the customers than competitors. The marketing strategy includes pricing and sales strategy based on the assumption, Selling value not price. The project is both product (like flowers, plants) and service (Like Cabana, decoration) oriented. The marketing plan, operations, resources, Implementation and financial plan have been planned to produce high quality flowers and to exert best customer service. Employee satisfaction also has been considered in this context. : In the project, we have focused on the marketing used in growing flowers, the problems and risk in growing and trading flowers and finally the future potentials of the flower marketing industry. Flower cultivation and Marketing project will expand in 2013 by adding other different kinds of flowers and services including Cabana. It will also increase its marketing area both in home and abroad. It will maintain and increase the current net margin and rate of growth in sales. 2. Business Idea 2. 1 What is it about : Our business idea is about flower cultivation and its marketing with a planned and escorted way including Cabana. In short, our business idea offers both products (Flowers) and service (Decoration with flowers). More clearly, our offerings are: (I) Flowers of verities (it) Flower, plants, seeds, leafs etc. (iii) Renting flower plants (v) Cabana (v) Decoration of homes offices cars and other festival programs with flowers. 2. 2 Uniqueness and greatness : Our business plan offers exclusive and unparalleled products and services of quality, variety, quantity and satisfaction rather than traditional way but at a fair price. So guarantees 100 percent customer satisfaction and friendly service. This plan values not only its own profit but also customers demand and satisfaction. Employees are also the contributors of this idea. So Flower cultivation and Marketing is Our business rather than Mine. And there is the uniqueness and greatness of our business idea. 2. 3 What and whose needs to be satisfied : Who doesnt love flower? Everyone. Because everyone desires a sound relation with others. Flowers are the sign of love, sympathy, cognates, Joy and even sorrow but we aim to structure a practical and realistic business plan. For this purpose we target some classified customers. Our main targeted customers are l. Young generation II. Middle class Ill. Upper middle class and V. Upper class Today people are so busy. Here time is most precious. Now we have money but not time to wish our near dear ones or attend on various occasion. We can make up our absence offering some flowers. Moreover, programs without flower are beyond our imagination. So, our products and services are for customers mental satisfaction and as well as beautification. 2. 4 Our Business Model : In the sass rose, tuberose and marigold constitute the main product range. But in the new millennium, gladiolus and orchid production take off in a big way and has owe a large share of the flowers market in the home and abroad. The product range rose etc. Besides this product range ewe also offer a unique service range with cabana and decoration. After this product/Service range our business model focuses on pricing strategy and sources of revenue. Prices vary with variety, quality, specification, export destination, terms of payments and other factors such as festival and seasonal requirement. However, average price should be considered at the time of production planning and export. . Business Goals and Objective 3. 1 Short Term Objectives : Expand area and scope and applications of flowers both in home and abroad. Create a new dimension in flower business through our intellectual creativity and service offerings. Provide employment opportunity for both educated and uneducated people, rural as well as urban people. Research and extension activities on foll icular. 3. 2 Long Run or Specific Measurable Objectives : Build a strong brand image by delivering a specific set of features, benefits, services and experiences of flowers consistently to the customer. Export standard quality and quantity of flowers in abroad. Contribute in the GAP of the country. Contribute towards alleviation of poverty 4. Market Potential : 4. 1 What or Who are the (Target) Markets : 4. 1. 1 Home Market : There is no festival in our culture which does not require flowers. Every people like flowers People of all areas either village or town purchase flowers as it is a symbol of beauty and love. In the recent years, the demand for flowers has increased considerably in the country. So, the flower cultivation project will face no problem in respect of marketing. The customers and users of flowers mainly exist in the city. Besides, urban people also buy flower. They demand flowers for various purposes. Some such purposes are Thanks giving Various anniversary Wedding Valentine Congratulating Sympathy National occasion (Like Paella Babushka, 21st Feb., 16 Deck, 26 March and so on) Flowers are smart gift. It speaks the speeches of heart. In such market situation, we are always beside the customers to serve them in an effective and efficient way. We offer 24 hours service to solve the demand of every each and every customer. . 1. 2 Currently the demand of flowers in international market is rapidly expanding. A short report on export of flowers is as : Financial Year No. Of countries to export 2002-2003 2003-2004 004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 9 25 26 29 According to international follicular analysts U. S. A ranks no. I in the national consumption of flowers at retail level. Flower market offers a number of opportunities to export to European commun ity as well as Middle East and Far East destinations. The Netherlands, Italy, Thailand, Malaysia, Germany, Canada, Japan, I-J. U. S. A. France, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, South Korea and Norway are in order of priority as markets. These countries buy considerable quantities of flowers every year. So, our export efforts are concentrated on these markets. . 2 Future opportunities : We know, the higher the amount of product is produced the lower the cost of per unit as. It is expected that we lessen per unit cost gradually and the selling well as in passage of time the demand of flowers increase. So, our product range and targeted market segment also increase. And now we are in the age of globalization. So, geographical expansion is natural. 5. Competition: 5. 1 Summary of Competition: Businesses offering similar product or service to the same market/customer at similar prices are competitors. In this sense, though Bangladesh is a prospective flower litigating country, there is no such flower cultivation and marketing industry which offers like ours. It is true that there exist available flower shops in different towns of the country. Besides it is also true that these flower markets are unrecognized. So there is a little or no significant leader, challenger, follower or niches in the flower market. As a result, we are the first flower cultivating and marketing industry in Bangladesh in a modern and well-organized system. 5. 2 Competitive Analysis: We cannot deny the existing small competitors because they are already engaged with this industry and also experienced. But they have little basic concept of flower cultivation and marketing industry as an art and source of earning foreign exchange. They are backward in customer relation, packaging, advertising, goodwill and modern research facilities. So, we emphasis on all of these points and of course offer a standard product as well as service . To gain competitive advantage, we must design market offers that deliver more value and satisfaction than offers of competitors seeking to win over the same customers. There is a little barrier of our entry as we are newcomer. Besides, very little or no access to credit facilities, lack of gobo. Favor and market policy regarding this section may hamper this industry. 6. 1 Marketing Strategy Customers are the main contributors in a successful business. So our first and first marketing strategy is based on customer value and satisfaction. A satisfied customer comes again and thus increases sales. But a dissatisfied customer not only decreases single sales but also a lot of sales. So our target is always for the best as the consumers expect for the best product. We desire to come in the leading position of flower market. For this purpose we expand total market, total demand and protect racket share through good defensive and offensive actions. For market positioning and marketing and promotional campaigns we may Develop new users and more usages of our product and service and maintain the rate of current usages. Try to build customer loyalty by delivering customers perceived value. Create advertising message through selecting right media. Emphasis on sales promotion through samples, coupons, cash refunds, appearances in related catalogs, premiums and so on. Maintain good public relations through news, speech, trade show, conference, corporate identity material and web site. 6. Pronunciation: It is true, quality comes first. So we ensure a satisfactory quality of our products and services. Moreover, innovative packaging can give us an advantage over competitors. We are very much concern about our product packaging. Here we include Cabana- the marvelous gift in the world of arranging flowers in vase. To decorate homes, offices, cars, and other seasonal and occasional programs our packaging and bundling department ensures product supply and sound service. 6. Sales strategy : The flowers will be sold either through wholesalers or through distributors and ultimately to the retailers. It will be done with the help of our employees or sales persons. Retailers and wholesalers have the opportunity to collect flowers from either in cultivation area or in showroom in this case, our own transportation system may be used. We also receive 24 hours orders of the decoration and Cabana. We provide home delivery/service too. We are also concern in satisfying our sales persons by giving them various incentives like bonus, reward, participation in decision making. We offer discounts and allowances to our retailers and wholesalers. All these are for good marketing plan and ultimately for a fruitful realistic business operations. Operations indicate to describe our business process and quality system. We promise only what we can deliver or what the customer exactly demand but finally we deliver more than our promise. We can present the operations as follows- 8. Resource Requirements : 8. 1 Capital investment: At first in resource requirements capital investments include licensing and other initial cost to set up business. Fixed capital: Land, building, showroom, Equipments Working capital: Raw material, manpower and soon. Our capital expenditure is met up by partners own capital and credit from financial institutions like bank. 8. Personnel Requirement Personnel are an important resource of our business, without personnel all the elements of business is worthless because personnel contribute in production directly or indirectly. At cultivation area: Manager, skilled labor, seasonal labor, driver and guard At showroom: Manager, accountant-UCM cashier, sales person, cabana designer, driver and guard 8. 3 External Resources : Our main external resources are suppliers, distributors and cabana designer. Advisors and consultants are also related with this. All of those resources help to develop, promote, sell and distribute our product to final buyers. . Implementation plan: 9. 1 Ramping up resources : Each and every resources of our business is engaged in running production to generate revenue and serve customers. In short, the resources are dynamic. No resource should be kept idle. 9. 2 RD milestone : In the business R D conducted to add and create new dimension, feature, quality, and other benefits in the existing product. We plan to introduce new products every year. 9. 3 Product rollover plan : We devote energy to making continuous product and its improvement as we know customers favor products that are available and highly satisfactory. 9. 4 Operational deadness All the resources and manpower are ready to operate various activity related to the business. All the time operational readiness is required anyhow. Roses are cultivated during the whole year but there are seasonal flowers too. So we are always ready to customers demand and various occasions. Our employees are very careful to meet up all the demand of customers-in time. 9. 5 Progress monitoring and control: Primarily we have two managers in cultivation area and showroom. Besides them all the business related people provide us information. Then we Justify whether our progress is balanced with our plan or not. According to the result of progress monitoring we take next step to control. 10. Risk Assessment 10. Areas of Risk: However there are some areas of risk in demand, supply, technology, security, economical, regulatory and implementation which we cannot deny. Problems are:- I. Improper knowledge and skill it. Low technological support. Iii. Perishable flowers v. Scarcity of effective insecticides v. Inadequate credit facilities. V. Uncertain and unstable market price vii. No permanent place for marketing of flowers. Viii. No sp ecific rules and regulation to control flower market. 10. 2 Addressing Risk Necessary steps to solve these problems 1 . Strengthening of technological support 2. Arrangement of training of employees 3. Arrangement of permanent place for marketing 4. Ensure adequate supply of effective insecticides 5. Arrangement of credit facilities. 6. Establishment of proper and stable market policy. Our business idea is viable in terms of these risk and we are confident that we will be able to overcome these problems and yield a high return than risk.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Policy Ethics (W5.MJ) Essays

Policy Ethics (W5.MJ) Essays Policy Ethics (W5.MJ) Essay Policy Ethics (W5.MJ) Essay Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Policy Ethics (W5.MJ) 2. According to Hugh Helco, to ‘think institutionally’ means, learning about an institution and having utter most respect for it. Instead of thinking about an institution, one should focus on thinking within it. This means that one personalizes the institution’s values within themselves, not only sharing the views and values of the institution, but also believing in them as their own. Completely assimilating the institutional values makes one work diligently because their selflessness creates a hard-working culture within individuals. They make conscious efforts to give their best in their duties because they have a sense of belonging and work with a high level of responsibility and awareness. Therefore, people are more likely to go out of their way to ensure that the objectives are effectively accomplished. For example, if the institution wants to cut down on the energy costs, one can be proactive and suggest using solar generators as opposed to only campaigning that the lights should be switched off when not in use. Good stewardship is fostered from thinking institutionally. Why is it difficult to think institutionally in this current era? In the wake of capitalism, what appeals the most to organizations is the idea of increasing their profit margins. These organizations are run by people who by nature always want more. Without proper morals and character within them, the selfish aspirations of personal gain become apparent. Whether for personal, social political or financial reasons, the selfishness to gain institutional benefits at the expense of others makes thinking institutionally extremely difficult. Embezzling of funds by a board member discourages those working for the betterment of the organization. Such ulterior motives by individuals cause increased levels of mistrust thereby making intuitional thinking pointless. Therefore, selfish motives, which consequently lead to mistrust, hinder people from thinking institutionally. 1. According to Terry Cooper, ‘high citizenship’ is a disciplined level of social structure that enables equal power sharing opportunities among its members. In such a case, there is absolute equality among peers and respect is given to ethical values and customs within the structure. High citizenship embraces the aspect of democracy, which means exercising the power vested in the leadership to better the society. It encompasses observing a set of rules and principles that follow ethical practices thereby governing the people. For this to happen, the citizens need to be fully aware of their rights, duties and responsibilities. Here, an element of legal awareness is effected. Legal awareness is providing the necessary set of rules and principles that will help society obey the expected ethical code of conduct. This provides a platform to which understanding the ethical values will help individuals carry out their obligations rightfully. Utilitarian techniques embrace the essence of majority rule. If majority of the people will benefit from the process, then it is adapted despite the repercussions it might have on the minority. Cost benefit analyses are an example of a utilitarian technique. The pros and cons of a process or situation are taken into account. If the benefits outweigh the costs, then the process is considered and amended to suit the majority. However, this method is not suited for our political heritage because it embraces the rule of the majority, therefore, sidelining the individual liberties of the minority group. Our political heritage respects the individual rights and liberties of everyone. Implementation of utilitarian techniques, though beneficial to the greater good, contrasts the political heritage that embodies the harmony of all individuals.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critical Assessment of Morrisons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critical Assessment of Morrisons - Essay Example Thus, there are many challenges which the present groceries are facing in the UK market. Hence, in the present business scenario, organisations need more sustainable and effective tools to gain advantage in this competitive environment. Looking at the current crisis which the company is facing, powerful strategic operations and new market diversifications are crucial for profitability and sustainable growth in the future. The current operations of the retail giant include convenience stores and supermarket chains. The company follows a vertical integration strategy for the current distribution system. The supermarket chain of Morrison is currently distributed into six major areas of United Kingdom. Except for its petrol stations, the company does not provide any loyalty schemes. Apart from that, the company does not provide any online shopping service, a strategy which they are looking seriously now. At present the company has three distribution centres based in UK. Other smaller ope rations of the organisations include kidscare, an online website selling wines and a clothing brand. The logistics and supply chain processes are monitored by the company itself. The biggest advantage of implementing this model is the cost advantage to the company. The company does not require middle men in their operations and thus they are able to provide their products and services at a lower price compared to their competitors. The company can also respond to any change in trends of customers purchasing. The organisation is family owned and works in a closed loop. Thus, ownership is an important aspect of their business. The current business scenario of the company is suffering because of volatility in the fresh foods market.... The current business scenario of the company is suffering because of volatility in the fresh foods market. The food and grocery market has seen a dramatic change, as a result of the change in strategies and logistics of the overall industry. Morrison’s have reported a continuous loss in sales for a period of six weeks from November till December 2012. According to this report from telegraph, though the industry saw an overall decrease in sales, the loss incurred by Morrison was more compared to its competitors from the industry. Reports suggested two possible causes for the deep loss. Lack of sufficient number of convenient stores and no online presence unlike its competitors were considered as major contributors of the loss. So far, the company has established only 12 convenient stores in the nation. Looking at the increasing popularity and acceptance of convenience stores it can be said that the organisation is losing out a large chunk of sales on this format. Apart from thi s, the market penetration of the retail chain is scattered, with major stores based out of town. The organisation also lacks proper penetration in affluent and popular grocery places in London.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

E-Manufacturing Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

E-Manufacturing - Literature review Example According to Merriam-Webster dictionary manufacturing is defined as ‘to make into a product suitable for use’. These few lines were presented to enter our esteem topic of ‘e-manufacturing’ and make you ready for the up-coming category of manufacturing described below. Introduction to E-manufacturing In the previous days when the internet was not available at every doorstep, the manufacturing plant floor was isolated from the rest of the industry, organization and enterprise operated on its own without the company and shareholders being aware of its working as they had no eye on it. Today with the introduction of e-manufacturing services, plant line or the bottom line performance is the place where corporate and analysts are more interested. The input or output of a company and its return on net assets are the criteria for the share market to evaluate an organization’s performance and the plant floor influences all directly. Before being entitled as a successful organization not only the company’s growing sales are analyzed but the well-organized working of all plant parts is also necessary. With the introduction of e-working and share computing and with the removal of all non value added activities a company can operate more efficiently and increase its growth by fast and concise working. (HERMAN, E. S., & CHOMSKY, N.1988) The heart of any e-manufacturing lies in the clearness for interaction of information, trade and data between the consumer and the manufacturing suppliers. To devise an e-manufacturing strategy, we need to work through processes defined in e-businesses such as in order reliable maintenance and making rules and regulations for executing plant systems. According to an AMR research e-manufacturing strategy merges e-business and manufacturing plans to construct the roadmap to development of system and accomplishment in the plant. Talking about the definition of e-manufacturing, it ranges from B2B,B2C, indus trial network connected by ether wires, IPs, XML, UDP, Transmission control protocol, cooperative manufacturing, WLANs, proxy servers and embedded web portals and finally to SCM(supply chain management). E-manufacturing is the merger of two lines: the horizontal one being the business line while the other vertical one being the supply-chain management and integration of systems which ensure the transparency of dissected information and business relevant data throughout the precious business chain. E-manufacturing makes use of the internet to guarantee real time processing of transparent information to be available at all times in an organizational setup. In any company the manufacturing plant is the core of all productions. According to the supply-chain models put forth by the experts, the intermediate connection of plant to the enterprise is very important and its transparency and timing have a lot to do with the company. All operations conducted at the plant are now reviewed for w orking out strategies to save time. To meet the increasing consumer demands, many companies are trying to bring maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) category under one umbrella for better performance. Today information plays a vital role for any company; therefore the accuracy of information is vital to take right decisions. A plant is the initial point of a system. If the plant floor is data based and online, it has the power to control manufacturing machinery, productivity, product design and delivery. Today with

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay Example for Free

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay Drunk driving is a problem especially for teens, because of peer pressure and some people feel that it is a funny scenario when they let a drunk driver take control of a vehicle, but they dont realize the danger they are getting into. Many teenagers drink because they think it makes them cooler and not all are aware of the affects of drunk driving. Some teenagers also think they have the ability of being invincible when it comes to getting behind the wheel and they dont realize they are drunk because of teen invincibility, they do not realize they are not only putting themselves in danger, but others as well. It is very dangerous when someone gets behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence. The pressures of being a teenager and trying to be popular or cool plays a large role on why drunk driving is a problem especially for teens. Part One: Identifying the Issue Statistics from research regarding teen crash rates: One out of 10 children ages 12 and 13 uses alcohol at least once a month. In a single year, 522 children under age 14 were arrested for driving while intoxicated, (113 of them were under 10 years old). 70 percent of all teenagers drink alcohol. 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related. Every 22 minutes someone dies in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident. †¢ Car crashes are the number one cause of teen deaths in the U. S. †¢ Drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are four times more likely to die in a crash than drivers between the ages of 25 and 69. Teens have the highest chance of having a fatal crash within the first six months of getting their driver’s license. †¢ 2,739 teenagers died in car accidents in the United States during 2008. †¢ Teen drivers were involved in 12% of all fatal crashes reported to the police. †¢ Males are twice as likely as females to be killed in a crash while they’re teenagers. †¢ 37% of male drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 were speeding at the time of a fatal crash. †¢ 55% of teens killed in car crashes were not using their seat belts. †¢ 31% of teens drivers were drinking alcohol at the time of their death. †¢ Teen drivers were involved in 63% of teen passenger deaths and 19% of passenger deaths of all ages in fatal accidents. †¢ 53% of teen deaths in fatal accidents occurred on the weekends and 41% occurred between 9 pm and 6 am. 5,864 fatal accidents involved teen drivers in 2008. This number is higher than the previous one because the teen driver often has to live with the guilt of causing someone else’s death. How is one organization or group trying to solve this problem? One organization trying to solve this problem is S. A. D. D. S. A. D. D. is an organization trying to solve the drunk driving problem by having presentations to inform students why they should not drink and how to resist peer pressure. They try to inform teens to try to stay away from alcohol and try to keep other teens aware as well. Another organization working to solve this issue is MADD (Mothers against drunk driving). Support high-visibility law enforcement to catch drunk drivers and discourage others from driving drunk, they also wanted to require all drunk drivers to take a breathalyzer before they even start their engine of their car, they also support the development of technology to determine automatically whether or not the driver is above the legal limit of .08 and failing to operate if the driver is drunk. They are trying to eliminate drunk driving as a whole. Web Sites I found this information: http://drivesteady. com/teen-driving-statistics http://www. alcoholalert. com/students-against-drunk-driving. html http://www. firsteagle. com/tdd. htm http://www. madd. org/drunk-driving/campaign/ Part 2: Solutions for the Issue Something else that should be done to help solve or curb the problem. There are many things that could be done to help solve or curb drunk driving, but a lot is already being done. I think another thing that could help curb or solve the problem would be to put up more billboards and have police officials come and talk to teenagers and children in the schools, I think they could also make television shows or commercials to help inform people to help curb this issue. I think this would be a easy way to reach out to teenagers especially about this issue and possibly help solve it and also to make sure that everyone is aware of this problem. What can I personally do to make others aware of this issue? What can I do to make others aware of the issue? There are several things I am capable of doing to make others aware of this issue. To start of I would like to put signs around my school stating statistics about the affects drunk driving has on teens. I would also make an announcement on our school news to help get people aware of what the issue at hand. I would spread the word by telling friends and doing anything I can to help stop drunk driving, especially for underage drinking.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sport, Education, and the Meaning of Victory Essay -- Athletics Greece

Sport, Education, and the Meaning of Victory Sport was included in ancient educational systems because it was thought to promote aretà ª or human excellence which could be applied to almost any endeavor in life. The goal of most modern scholastic athletic programs might be better summed up in a word: winning. Is this a sign that we have lost touch with the age-old rationale for including sport in education? I argue that it need not be by showing that we value winning precisely for the virtues associated with it. I then take Plato's traditional parts of aretà ª: piety, sophrosunà ª, courage and justice and show how they are manifest in modern athletic ideals of self-knowledge, discipline, courage and justice. To the extent that scholastic athletic programs develop these virtues, I conclude, their pursuit of winning is not at odds with the institutional mission of educating students. If an athletic program's pursuit of victory allows such character-building to fall by the wayside, however, it deserves no place in our high scho ols, colleges or universities. As in the world of the Ancient Greeks, sport plays an important role in the educational institutions of 20th century America. The reasoning for this in ancient times, as now, is a belief that sport helps to make better people — that it promotes excellence (what the Greeks called aretà ª) in individuals, excellence which can be applied to almost any endeavor in life. That said, it must be acknowledged that most athletes, coaches, and school administrations identify the goal of their athletic programs in one word: winning. Is this a sign that we've lost touch with the age-old rationale for including sport in education? Is the philosophy that "winning is everything," or "the only thing... .... 38-45. Marrou, H. I. 1956. A History of Education in Antiquity, translated by George Lamb. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. Mihalich, Joseph. 1992. Sports and Athletics: Philosophy in Action. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield. Nettleship, R. L. 1935. The Theory of Education in Plato's Republic. London: Oxford University Press. First published in Hellenica in 1880. Plato. 1989. Collected Dialogues. Edited by Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Sansone, David. 1988. Greek Athletics and the Genesis of Sport. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Simon, Robert L. 1984. "Good Competition and Drug-Enhanced Performance." Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, vol. XI. 6-13. Walton, Gary M. 1992. Beyond Winning: The Timeless Wisdom of Great Philosopher Coaches. Champaign, IL: Leisure Press.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

APUSH Extra Credit

In the United State s of America . From 1998 to the present, this country has strayed away from the ideals pre sensed within the Declaration of Independence. Three major ideas expressed in the Declared ion were the natural laws giving the people the right to assert political independence as long as the e reason for doing so is Justified, the Inalienable rights of people to life liberty and the pursuit of h peppiness, and the purpose of government to protect these rights and In case of failure to do so e abolished.These three examples, the Republic of Lookout, the excellently Issue, and the numb ere of militias around the united States give evidence to the claim that the united States ha s moved further away from the main ideas within the Declaration of Independence. The Republic of Lookout claims to exist today in the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, and Wyoming. It is the supposed homeland of the Alack a Native American tribe.It is not recognized by the feder al government of the United States. I n 2007, the Lookout Freedom delegation, led by Russell Means, traveled to Washington where he submitted statement declaring Independence from the U. S. The reason professed by the Alack ah Is that they were never a part of the country and were being ruled by force. From a legal sat endpoint the Lookout claim to have always been a sovereign nation under Article Six of the Consist caution.The Lookout have provided legitimate reasons to exercise their right to secede from the U. S. Claims made by the Lookout have not been taken seriously by Congress. By seemingly ignoring Eng the pleas of the Lookout, Congress Is Ignoring the natural law outlined In the Declaration of Independence thus making it's way further from the ideals held sacred in the dotcom

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Alum Lab Conclusion Essay

The purpose of this laboratory was to use two different techniques to attempt to identify the melting point and the mole ratio of hydrated water to anhydrous aluminum, potassium, and sulfate of AlKSO4. The hypotheses were: if the alum was put in a capillary tube the melting point of alum will be able to be determined; and the water of hydration in alum crystals will be possible to determine if the alum is heated with a Bunsen burner. Results: Every compound has its own unique sets of chemical properties. Alum crystals are of great purity and are easily prepared. Because of their purity, they are often used in dyeing cloth, where the alum acts as a source of Al+3 ions which are not contaminated. These properties can be determined experimentally and in this experiment as mentioned above, a few properties of alum were being determined. The first test was to identify the melting point of the alum and compare it to the published value that already exists. The melting point of a substance is a property that indicates at what temperature it goes through a state change of solid to liquid. In order to do this, the alum was placed in a water bath and heated. In the second part of the experiment, the alum was analyzed for water of hydration. When an ionic compound is prepared in aqueous solution and isolated by crystallization, water molecules are incorporated into the compound in fixed proportions. The amount of water incorporated is referred to as the water of hydration. This amount cannot be predicted, so it must be determined experimentally. In order to do this, the alum was heated until all the water was driven off. After the completion of the experiment, it was discovered that the results extracted were very close to the expected results. As seen in the data table, the literature melting point and the one obtained in the experiment were only a little more than .5 away from each other which means pretty accurate results were taken away from this experiment. In regards to the second part of the experiment, a way to see precision in the results would have been to do a second heating of the alum in the crucible. Time, however, did not allow for this so if the experiment was to be done again, better results may be obtained by another trial of that part. This experiment overall was a very good example of how certain properties of substances can only be obtained through experiment. It also showed new techniques of determining properties like melting point and water of hydration that could be used in future experiments.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An

Aristotle conceived of three appeals for existence: ethos, pathos and logos, all of which are prevalent in all forms of writing, entertainment, speech, and generally life itself. Fredrick Douglass used all three appeals in writing his narrative as part of his rhetorical strategy to enlighten the public of both his life and his cause more than one hundred years ago. He specifically uses ethos, or persona, in three ways: to identify himself to the reader, to provide to the credibility of his statement and to evoke a need for change through his writing style. Fredrick Douglass grows from a slave boy to a freed man throughout Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave and he uses this transition and identity to provide an outlet to which the reader can identify. Douglass first produces this with the absence of dates. Slaves were kept â€Å"ignorant† as to the facts of the real world, sometimes not even knowing the year of their birth, preventing the knowledge of a captive’s true age. A birthday is something with which people can identify, as they are a celebrated part of our culture, especially to youth. Douglass here identifies himself as a human being almost lacking what we may consider a normal childhood simply through the use of dates. These are very important to our culture, counting down the days until your birthday, until Christmas. We identify ourselves by the dates which surround the events of our lives. Part of our identity is formed from dates and this was a privilege he was denied. He is, however, eventually provided a window of opportunity in many to not only learn dates, but gain a general feel for knowledge as well. When the open door of learning that his mistress provided was permanently closed, he says, "it was a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things, with which my youthful understanding had struggled, but struggled in vain.... Free Essays on Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An Free Essays on Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An Aristotle conceived of three appeals for existence: ethos, pathos and logos, all of which are prevalent in all forms of writing, entertainment, speech, and generally life itself. Fredrick Douglass used all three appeals in writing his narrative as part of his rhetorical strategy to enlighten the public of both his life and his cause more than one hundred years ago. He specifically uses ethos, or persona, in three ways: to identify himself to the reader, to provide to the credibility of his statement and to evoke a need for change through his writing style. Fredrick Douglass grows from a slave boy to a freed man throughout Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave and he uses this transition and identity to provide an outlet to which the reader can identify. Douglass first produces this with the absence of dates. Slaves were kept â€Å"ignorant† as to the facts of the real world, sometimes not even knowing the year of their birth, preventing the knowledge of a captive’s true age. A birthday is something with which people can identify, as they are a celebrated part of our culture, especially to youth. Douglass here identifies himself as a human being almost lacking what we may consider a normal childhood simply through the use of dates. These are very important to our culture, counting down the days until your birthday, until Christmas. We identify ourselves by the dates which surround the events of our lives. Part of our identity is formed from dates and this was a privilege he was denied. He is, however, eventually provided a window of opportunity in many to not only learn dates, but gain a general feel for knowledge as well. When the open door of learning that his mistress provided was permanently closed, he says, "it was a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things, with which my youthful understanding had struggled, but struggled in vain....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free Essays on Frederick Douglas

Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave Aristotle conceived of three appeals for existence: ethos, pathos and logos, all of which are prevalent in all forms of writing, entertainment, speech, and generally life itself. Fredrick Douglass used all three appeals in writing his narrative as part of his rhetorical strategy to enlighten the public of both his life and his cause more than one hundred years ago. He specifically uses ethos, or persona, in three ways: to identify himself to the reader, to provide to the credibility of his statement and to evoke a need for change through his writing style. Fredrick Douglass grows from a slave boy to a freed man throughout Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave and he uses this transition and identity to provide an outlet to which the reader can identify. Douglass first produces this with the absence of dates. Slaves were kept â€Å"ignorant† as to the facts of the real world, sometimes not even knowing the year of their birth, preventing the knowledge of a captive’s true age. A birthday is something with which people can identify, as they are a celebrated part of our culture, especially to youth. Douglass here identifies himself as a human being almost lacking what we may consider a normal childhood simply through the use of dates. These are very important to our culture, counting down the days until your birthday, until Christmas. We identify ourselves by the dates which surround the events of our lives. Part of our identity is formed from dates and this was a privilege he was denied. He is, howeve r, eventually provided a window of opportunity in many to not only learn dates, but gain a general feel for knowledge as well. When the open door of learning that his mistress provided was permanently closed, he says, "it was a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things, with which my youthful understanding had struggled, but ... Free Essays on Frederick Douglas Free Essays on Frederick Douglas Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave Aristotle conceived of three appeals for existence: ethos, pathos and logos, all of which are prevalent in all forms of writing, entertainment, speech, and generally life itself. Fredrick Douglass used all three appeals in writing his narrative as part of his rhetorical strategy to enlighten the public of both his life and his cause more than one hundred years ago. He specifically uses ethos, or persona, in three ways: to identify himself to the reader, to provide to the credibility of his statement and to evoke a need for change through his writing style. Fredrick Douglass grows from a slave boy to a freed man throughout Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave and he uses this transition and identity to provide an outlet to which the reader can identify. Douglass first produces this with the absence of dates. Slaves were kept â€Å"ignorant† as to the facts of the real world, sometimes not even knowing the year of their birth, preventing the knowledge of a captive’s true age. A birthday is something with which people can identify, as they are a celebrated part of our culture, especially to youth. Douglass here identifies himself as a human being almost lacking what we may consider a normal childhood simply through the use of dates. These are very important to our culture, counting down the days until your birthday, until Christmas. We identify ourselves by the dates which surround the events of our lives. Part of our identity is formed from dates and this was a privilege he was denied. He is, howeve r, eventually provided a window of opportunity in many to not only learn dates, but gain a general feel for knowledge as well. When the open door of learning that his mistress provided was permanently closed, he says, "it was a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things, with which my youthful understanding had struggled, but ... Free Essays on Frederick Douglas FREDERICK DOUGLASS Also known as: Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Frederick Johnson â€Å"Without struggle there is no progress† Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, a slave in Talbot County, Maryland somewhere around the time of 1817(?) and died in 1895 as a freed man named Frederick Douglass. In my essay I am going to just overview the book, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave, which was written by him-self. In his book, Douglass tells about his early childhood in which he hadn’t known for sure the identity of his father and of how he and his mother had not had the loving mother and child relationship that we know. Douglass explains the different plantations that he had seen and talked about the ways of the different masters and mistresses that he had encountered. Also he talks about his disagreement of the Underground Railroad and his learning’s later in life, which made him rebel the way that he did against slavery and escape. Frederick Douglass has always been a very interesting man to me and now I am going to describe the life of a slave as told by him t he best way I possible can. Born in a town called Tuckahoe, with no knowledge of his age, Frederick Douglass had like other slaves went by the seasons and tried to estimate his age and the years. At the time of this writing Frederick believes to be about 27 or 28 years of age. Douglass remembers his mothers name being, Harriet Bailey the daughter of Isaac and Betsey Bailey who both were black. All he knew of his father was that he was white and that it was rumored his father was his master. He had been taken from his mother as an infant but he does remember his mother leaving from her plantation, at least 12 miles away, very late at night to secretly be with him. His mother had died when he was a very young age and all that he could remember was that very short time, which wasn’t many, that he had spent with her...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Food insecurity and hunger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Food insecurity and hunger - Essay Example In other words over 43% of the population is living on less than $75 a month. These poverty figures are directly correlated with the rise of food insecurity across the world. Throughout the world there is a growing disparity between the rich and the poor. A majority of the global wealth is controlled by the private corporate world. Multinational corporations such as McDonald’s and Microsoft are worth billions of dollars. The accumulated wealth of the private sector surpasses the wealth held by the combined governments of the over 200 countries around the globe. Governmental institutions benefit from the efforts of the private sector by charging them taxes. Taxes are the primary source of income of most governments. Due to the corruption of governmental institutions in developing countries the financial resources of governmental institutions are not being effectively utilized to fight hunger. In countries such as Lybia which is in the middle of a civil war and is currently at w ar with the United States, the government is spending more on military expenses than in resources to fight hunger. In the United States the military spending is also astronomical. Hunger and food insecurity is not limited to developing nations. In the United States in 2005 approximately 37 million people were living with incomes that were lower than the federal poverty line (Rector & Johnson). The troubles of worldwide hunger and food insecurity have troubled governmental institutions due to the fact that for decades the initiatives associated with development aid, agricultural improvements, and market expansion failed to eradicate hunger. None of these solutions has been effective at battling hunger in the long term. A major issue associated with world hunger is that the prices of food items have been going up. There were major inflationary forces in the prices of food during 2007 and 2008. Food security occurs when all people have physical, social and economic forces sufficient fo od to meet their dietary needs. A factor that can turn a society instantly into a food insecurity condition is a natural event such as an earthquake. In Japan there are over 500,000 people that are homeless and living through condition of food insecurity. It is important for people in the develop world to donate when these types of events occur. The online giant Yahoo Corporation has been able to raise over $6 million in donations for the victim’s of Japan’s 9.0 magnitude earthquake. Three core elements associated with food insecurity are food availability, access to food, and food utilization. There are different reasons or motivators of why one government donates to another. The three key motivators are political, economic, and humanitarian. The United States contributes 60% of the global food aid. The US makes donation at times to improve its political relations with a particular country. The humanitarian efforts are spurred by the media, while the economic variable is a motivator because the country giving food will obtain some sort of economic remuneration for its food products. According to Barrett and Marwell (2005) food aid serves three purposes: a) short term solution when food availability is declining; b) long-term safety net; c) build assets among poor and food insecure groups when no other forms of aid are open. There are three kinds of food aids. The first option is for the government to give the food supplies to another

Friday, November 1, 2019

Art Timeline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art Timeline - Essay Example Created for World War I, the piece was reprinted in poster format the nature of the work part art, part advertising in which an objective was set for its use (Perman, 2008). . Fig 2 J. Howard Miller Rosie the Riveter, 1942 A powerful image for the war effort of World War II, Rosie the Riveter, also created for reprinting on multiple posters and created by Westinghouse artist J. Howard Miller, was a popular icon that supported the effort at home through the work of women as the men were soldiers across the ocean. Through this imagery, the inspiration of hard work with a purpose became a way in which to encourage women to step out of their homes and fill the positions that had been left open by their men. Although now considered somewhat controversial as feminist realize that the intent of the image was to free women temporarily, it still represents the collaborative efforts between the genders towards the war (Hall & Hall, 2006). Fig. 3 Richard Hamilton. Just what is it that makes tod ay’s home so different, so appealing?1956 Representing modern life through images that reflected Western ideals of the 1950s, this work by Richard Hamilton supports both the consumerist aesthetic and the innocence with which life was framed during that period. Through a collage piece that utilized painted aspects, the piece creates irony and amusement through a crazed, idealism that supports the consumerist aspects of the society. The piece measures 10 ? by 9 ?, so it is not very large, but it supports a great number of concepts in a very small frame. The work is iconic in that the images are representative of American life. Fig.4 Jasper Johns. Three Flags, 1958 Jasper Johns used the imagery of the flag to create a commentary on his own feelings of patriotism and the graphic nature of imagery that evokes a spirit in its interpretation. This piece is charcoal and graphite pencil on three boards, layered and overall measuring 11X16. In looking at the work, the image provides fo r propaganda that supplies a variety of emotional reactions to the pieces that he has created. The flag being a common theme in his work, he worked towards evoking a language of geometry in balance with the expressionistic values of the painting. Through both the commentary through painting theories and through the thematic explorations of the imagery of the flag, Johns evoked a sense of the American spirit within his work. Fig.5 Andy Warhol. Two Elvis, 1963. Andy Warhol memorialized some of the more important icons of his period. Created as a screenprint composition, the piece of work is 75.9X103.2 cm. This piece, titled Two Elvis, creates a powerful, yet poignant image of Elvis Presley, dressed from a movie in classic Americana Western attire. The power of the image is revealed through its graphic statement and its pathos in which the sweetness of his face is counterbalanced in the heroism that he is portraying. Tinged with the violence that is exampled by the gun that he holds, t he figure of Elvis ignites patriotism, nostalgia, and a sense of idolatry through the iconic image of the King of Rock and Roll. Fig. 6 Robert Rauschenberg. Axle, 1964 Robert Rauschenberg created art that combined objects, collage, and painting techniques to incorporate the idea of multi-media works with historically relevant imagery. This work, created using collage